Nicole de Nobriga

May 5, 20191 min

Story-Telling Sunday: Billions of Bricks

I might be biased, but there is something about children’s rhyming books that makes story time a little bit more fun for my kids (and their mommy)! We were gifted “Billions of Bricks” after a construction themed birthday party last year, and it has been a favourite bedtime story ever since. Written and illustrated by Kurt Cyrus, “Billions of Bricks” is a counting masterpiece.

This children’s book follows a crew as they build various structures, all the while counting brick by brick. I find myself chanting the words in a cadence similar to a marching band.

“Two, four, six.

Look at all the bricks!

Red and rough, hard and tough.

Two, four, six.”

The repetition of numbers throughout the verses is a great way for kids to practice counting. My kids also like seeing the building process in each illustration. Often asking questions like: “Where is the basement? Will there be a roof on top? Do we have brick roads?”

A safety reminder is also included which my kids seem to appreciate:

“Clack! Clack! Clack!

Bricks can break your back.

Bend your knees when lifting, please.

Clack! Clack! Clack!”

This of course presents itself when my husband or I are lifting something heavy, and our kids quickly remind us to bend our knees. Thanks Kurt Cyrus! Another transfer over to daily life is anytime we are mixing an ingredient in the kitchen. It’s no longer mixing the apples into the oatmeal, it’s now: “Mix, mix, mix. The mortar for the bricks”. Again, thanks Kurt Cyrus!

“Billions of Bricks” is teachable, engaging and most definitely singable! The ending is also clever, but you will have to read it to find out ;)

Happy reading everyone!
