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Story-Telling Sunday: My Tree and Me, A Book of Seasons

My last Spring pick goes to "My Tree and Me, A Book of Seasons", written by Jo Witek & illustrated by Christine Roussey. With Summer just around the corner, I picked a transitional book that beautifully captures all of the seasons. As the title suggests, the "tree" is the centrepiece of this story, and morphs season-by-season with the turn of every page.

Book Cover

Witek does a fabulous job humanizing the tree and outlining its importance in a little reader's backyard. In Spring, its branches sway like a swing with the breezy wind. In Summer, it becomes a treehouse for human and furry friends to play in. In Winter, it becomes a bare backdrop for frozen snowflakes to rest. In Autumn, it transforms into a shady umbrella, perfect for afternoon naps.

"In Spring, I swing from My Tree's branches. I pump my legs up and down, faster and faster. I see the sky. Poof! It's gone! I see a nest. Snap! It disappears. Legs above, head below, air blows past my face and inflates my heart. With My Tree, I feel like I can fly"

- excerpt from "My Tree and Me, A Book of Seasons"

"My Tree and Me" is creatively designed with a cutout tree outline in the centre of the book. Little readers can easily turn the pages from the inside of the tree, and engage directly with the book's illustrations. Roussey's illustrations are bright, colourful, and whimsical. I also appreciate the thick paper stock that adds to the overall feel of a sturdy tree.

"My Tree and I like to play hide-and-seek. With my nose against his trunk, I close my eyes and start to count. 1, 2, 3..."

"Next to My Tree, I stand up straight and push one foot into the ground. I am like a little tree in the forest. My leg becomes a strong trunk, and my arms are like branches, climbing towards the sky. It is not easy to remain still! Balance is fragile."

If you are looking for a fun way to teach little readers about seasons, I highly recommend "My Tree and Me". The beautiful cover design also makes a great table book if you have a reading corner for the kids. A tall and sturdy thumbs up from me!

[Side Note: Jo Witek & Christine Roussey also have a beautiful book that is perfect for Father's Day..."With My Daddy, A Book of Love & Family"]

Happy reading!

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